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Англо-русский словарь - penny


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whistle свистулька
PENNY wise мелочный penny wise and pound foolish - экономный в мелочах и расточительный в крупном
PENNY noun; dim. of Penelope Пенни
PENNY noun
 1) (pl. pence о денежной сумме, пишется слитно с числительным от twopence до elevenpence; pennies об отдельных монетах) пенни, пенс (условное обозначение после цифр d., от denarius, напр., 6d шесть пенсов)
 2) pl. pennies; amer.; coll. монета в 1 цент to turn a useful penny (by) - неплохо зарабатывать (чем-л.) to turn an honest penny -
 а) честно зарабатывать;
 б) подрабатывать (тж. to turn a penny) not a penny to bless oneself with - ни гроша за душой not a penny the worse - нисколько не хуже a penny for your thoughts! - о чем задумались? a penny saved is a penny gained prov. - пенни сбереженное все равно, что пенни заработанное a penny soul never came to twopence prov. - мелочный человек никогда не достигнет успеха in for a penny, in for a pound prov. - назвался груздем полезай в кузов
PENNY farthing noun велосипед (с колёсами разного диаметра)
PENNY post почтовая оплата в 1 пенни
PENNY (личн. имена) - уменьш. от Penelope; Пенни
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См. в других словарях

  1. пенни, пенс he put a penny in the slot —- он бросил пенс в автомат 2. ам. канад. монета в 1 цент 3. деньги it won't cost you a penny —- это вам ничего не будет стоить 4. ам. сл. полицейский Id: a pretty penny —- кругленькая сумма Id: to make a pretty penny out of smth. —- хорошо заработать на чем-л.; поднажиться (подзаработать) на чем-л. Id: it will cost a pretty penny —- это будет стоить немалых денег; это обойдется в копеечку Id: to inherit (to come in for) a pretty penny —- получить большое наследство Id: a bad penny —- фальшивая монета; негодный человек Id: to come back again like a bad penny —- вернуться обратно к своему владельцу (против его желания) Id: to turn an honest penny —- честно зарабатывать; подрабатывать (также to turn a penny) Id: penny wedding —- свадьба, устраиваемая гостями в складчину Id: two (ten) a penny —- дешевый; по копейке в базарный день; дешевле пареной репы Id: a penny plain, and twopence coloured —- пренебр. дешевый, показной Id: not a penny to bless oneself with, not a penny to one's name —- без гроша за душой Id: no paternoster, no penny —- не потопаешь, не полопаешь Id: to look twice at every penny —- жалеть каждую копейку, трястись над каждой копейкой Id: to neglect the odd pence —- легко тратить деньги Id: pennies from heaven —- неожиданная прибыль; подарок судьбы; не было ни гроша, да вдруг алтын Id: not a penny the worse —- нисколько не хуже Id: not a...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  разг. центик, пенни Обиходное название монеты достоинством в один цент cent. Считается, что найденная монета приносит удачу lucky penny См. тж. red cent ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  сущ.; мн. ч. - pence; брит. пенни, пенс - penny stock - penny stocks ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  n. (pl. for separate coins -ies, for a sum of money pence) 1 a British coin and monetary unit equal to one-hundredth of a pound. Usage Abbr.: p. 2 hist. a former British bronze coin and monetary unit equal to one-two-hundred-and-fortieth of a pound. Usage Abbr.: d. 3 US colloq. a one-cent coin. 4 Bibl. a denarius. Phrases and idioms in for a penny, in for a pound an exhortation to total commitment to an undertaking. like a bad penny continually returning when unwanted. pennies from heaven unexpected benefits. penny black the first adhesive postage stamp (1840, value one penny). penny cress Bot. a plant, Thlaspi arvense, with flat round pods. penny dreadful Brit. a cheap sensational comic or story-book. the penny drops colloq. one begins to understand at last. penny farthing Brit. an early type of bicycle with one large and one small wheel. a penny for your thoughts a request to a thoughtful person to confide in the speaker. penny-in-the-slot (of a machine) activated by a coin pushed into a slot. penny-pincher a niggardly person. penny-pinching n. meanness. --adj. mean. penny post Brit. hist. the system of carrying letters etc. at a standard charge of 1d. regardless of distance. penny whistle a tin pipe with six holes giving different notes. penny wise too careful in saving small amounts. penny wise and pound foolish mean in small expenditures but wasteful of large amounts. a pretty penny a large sum of money. two a penny almost worthless though easily obtained. Etymology: OE penig, penning f. Gmc, perh. rel. to PAWN(2) PENNY comb. form Brit. forming attributive adjectives meaning 'costing ... pence' (esp. in pre-decimal currency) (fivepenny). ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective combining form  Etymology: penny; perhaps from the original price per hundred being a (designated) nail size an eightpenny nail PENNY  noun  (plural pennies or pence)  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English penning, penig; akin to Old High German pfenning, a coin  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a monetary unit of the United Kingdom formerly equal to 1/240 pound but now equal to 1/100 pound  b. a similar monetary unit of any of various other countries in or formerly in the Commonwealth of Nations — see pound at money table  c. a coin representing one ~  2. denarius  3. plural pennies cent  4. a trivial amount  5. a piece or sum of money that will cost a pretty ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (pennies, pence) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. Note: The form 'pence' is used for the plural of meaning 1. 1. In Britain, a penny is one hundredth of a pound, or a coin worth this amount of money. Cider also goes up by a penny a pint while sparkling wine will cost another eight pence a bottle. ...a shiny newly minted penny. N-COUNT 2. A penny is a British coin used before 1971 that was worth one twelfth of a shilling. N-COUNT 3. A penny is one cent, or a coin worth one cent. (AM INFORMAL) Unleaded gasoline rose more than a penny a gallon. N-COUNT 4. If you say, for example, that you do not have a penny, or that something does not cost a penny, you are emphasizing that you do not have any money at all, or that something did not cost you any money at all. The Brilliantons paid their rent on time and did not owe him a penny... N-SING: a N c darkgreen]emphasis 5. If you say the penny dropped, you mean that someone suddenly understood or realized something. (mainly BRIT INFORMAL) PHRASE: V inflects 6. Things that are said to be two a penny or ten a penny are not valuable or interesting because they are very common and easy to find. (BRIT INFORMAL; in AM, use a dime a dozen) Leggy blondes are two a penny in Hollywood. PHRASE: v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  - O.E. pening, penig "penny," from P.Gmc. *panninggaz. The English coin was originally set at one-twelfth of a shilling and was of silver, later copper, then bronze. There are two plural forms: pennies of individual coins, pence collectively. In translations it rendered various foreign coins of small denomination, esp. L. denarius, whence comes its abbreviation d. As Amer.Eng. colloquial for cent, it is recorded from 1889. Pennyweight is O.E. penega gewiht, originally the weight of a silver penny. The herb pennyroyal (1530) is altered by folk etymology from Anglo-Fr. puliol real; the first element ultimately from L. puleglum "thyme." Penny-ante (adj.) "cheap, trivial" is first attested 1935, from poker. Penny dreadful "cheap and gory fiction" dates from c.1870. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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